Indigo General Carer Support Group

The group currently includes carers of people with dementia, chronic health conditions and disability

The group currently includes carers of people with dementia, chronic health conditions and disability. We meet monthly in Chiltern Victoria at a local bakery. The group is facilitated by a staff member from Upper Murray Family Care. The group meets socially to share coffee and cake. It provides some time out for carers with people who understand the rewards and challenges of the caring role. In addition to the support groups, Support Options provides activities, like day trips for carers and their care recipient. Please contact Support Options prior to attending

Meeting details

1st Tuesday of the month - 10.30am

Frequently asked questions

Who is this group for?

Not required

What activities does the group undertake throughout the year?

Once monthly social support groups, and provision of day trips and activities that can be shared by both the carer and their care recipient.

Is there a cost?


Can the person I care for attend the carer support group meetings with me?


Does the location where you meet have wheelchair access?


Various Chiltern VIC 3683