Have Your Say...

Have Your Say...

Have Your Say is Carers Victoria’s online hub to raise issues that are important to you in your caring role.

It’s a place where you can participate in surveys and provide feedback on research and matters impacting carers. We encourage you to take part in the opportunities below. Insights and feedback gathered will help build an evidence base for better support for carers, inform policy and decision making, and ultimately deliver better outcomes for the carer community.

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When Caring Ends - University of NSW

About the study:

Researchers from UNSW Sydney, the University of Melbourne and Deakin University, in partnership with Carers Vic, are conducting a major three-year research study to improve understanding of transitions and pathways out of caring.

If you have had thoughts about how your caring may end in the future or are currently experiencing a transition out of your caring role*, the researchers would like to hear from you.

Participation involves an in-depth interview with one of the research team members, either in person or via online video platform. Participants will receive a $30 gift card for their time.

If you are interested, please contact the research team for further information: Professor Emma Kirby (emma.kirby@unsw.edu.au; 02 9385 9065); Zhaoxi Zheng (zhaoxi.zheng@unsw.edu.au; 02 9348 2625)

*Recruitment of former carers will commence later in 2025. 


Improving health outcomes for individuals accessing respite care

Researchers at NARI and Austin Health are currently undertaking a research project called the “3C Program”. The program aims to improve health outcomes for individuals accessing respite care. The 3C team are seeking participants for this research project, who are: older adults entering respite care at a Melbourne based residential aged care facility AND the day-to-day carers of these people. Carers and respite recipients would participate in the program as a pair.  

The program involves a 1-2 hour visit at your home or at another location that is private and safe (like an aged care home). This visit will occur before you enter respite care or as close as possible to the beginning of your respite stay. A registered nurse would carry out this visit and undertake the following with the two of you (respite recipient and carer):

  • A comprehensive health assessment involving a clinical examination and medical assessment tools.
  • Development of a health summary document using the data from the health assessment.
  • Filming of some videos that demonstrate you going about your day-to-day life. We will ask your permission to record you on camera carrying out some tasks.

The 3C Program team will then pass on this information and content to respite care staff at the aged care facility you will be admitted too. It is hoped that this information and content will help staff provide better quality respite care to participants. Later, after your respite stay, the 3C team may also ask you to help them evaluate your experience of respite care and the 3C Program. They may also conduct some follow up assessments to see how you are going following your respite stay.

If you are interested in helping out and would like more information, please contact NARI Research Assistant Liam Borelli-Millott at L.Borelli-Millott@nari.edu.au, or call him on 0487937265 (Available: 9am-5pm, Mon-Wed). You may also contact the project manager, Dr. Christa Dang at C.Dang@nari.edu.au.

Your participation would be greatly appreciated by the 3C team.

There’s no remuneration and recruitment period is 12 months.

Supporting Someone with Cancer – Deakin University Study

Are you a support person for someone with cancer?

If you live in Australia, are over 18, and are providing, or have provided support to someone facing cancer within the last 5 years, Deakin would love to hear from you!

This study aims to understand the experiences and support needs of all carers and support persons, with a focus on those from different groups including regional or rural communities, those from a non-English speaking background and those who identify as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. Findings will be used to develop resources and services to better support carers from all communities.

​Click HERE to find out more and access the survey.​

2024 ANU-ALIVE National Lived-Experience Priorities Study - A focus on 16-25 years

The ALIVE National Centre for Mental Health Research Translation

About the study:

The 2024 ALIVE Lived Experience research priority-setting study is focused on the views of young people who have lived experience of mental ill-health, and/or as a carer, family or kinship group member supporting someone with mental ill-health. There are four different participation methods.

Click through to read more information and participate.

Caring for Someone Living with Dementia – Victoria University Study

Invitation to participate in research

About the study

Victoria University is looking for people over 18 years of age and living in Australia, who are currently providing care for a family member or friend with dementia.

The aim of this study is to better understand the experience of carers of people living with dementia.

They want to know more about:

  • The impact of caring on your life and your mood
  • Your knowledge and beliefs about dementia
  • Your experience of dementia-related stigma
  • Your response to changed behaviours
  • Positive aspects of caring.

You will be asked to complete a confidential online survey. The survey will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

To learn more, call (03) 9919 4505 or visit: https://vuau.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6GrZgyuMnBY1G7A