Published on 26 July 2018
Launch of the Victorian Carer Strategy
Exciting news today for carers! The Victorian State Government has launched a strategy recognising and supporting Victorian Carers.
At Parliament House today, Martin Foley, Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing; Mental Health; Equality; Creative Industries and Gabrielle Williams, Parliamentary Secretary for Carers and Volunteers launched a Whole of Victorian Government strategy recognising and supporting Victoria’s carers. Carers Victoria has played a pivotal consultancy role in the development of the strategy which aims to improve supports and recognise carers for their important role in the community.
Carers Victoria CEO Scott Walker highlighted the significance of the milestone. “A whole-of-Government-Carer-Strategy is essential in ensuring carers are respected, valued and supported, while having the same rights, choices and opportunities as other members of the community.” He said.
“Today’s Victorian Carer Strategy wonderfully reflects the diversity of Victoria’s 736,000 carers – recognising what we have in common without eliminating the important differences. The Victorian Carer Strategy highlights that carers come from all walks of life. Carers are represented in all genders, sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds, localities, employment and age.
“Carers Victoria is really pleased to see these widespread carers concerns have been picked up in each of the five priorities announced today – recognition, acknowledgement and respect; health and wellbeing; participation in the workforce, schooling and study; access to support and services and financial security.
“We welcome the government’s commitment to continue to consult with carers, service providers and peak agencies about the progress of the Strategy's implementation” said Mr Walker.
Carers Victoria conducted a stakeholder engagement program over the past 12 months to inform the strategy. Over 30 consultation workshops and special interest focus groups were held with carers, service providers and peak agency representatives – speaking to over 300 carers in person across the state. We also consulted with service providers and peak bodies. Our survey reached over 1300 people via the online platform SurveyMonkey or hardcopy on request. Carers Victoria was privileged to conduct this community engagement, using the insights and suggestions made by carers in its Final Report to the Government.
Click here to view the media release.
Click here to view the Victorian carer strategy 2018-22.