Respite under the NDIS

Respite under the NDIS

Everyone needs a break. Every family has different needs and under the NDIS respite for carers and participants may now look different.

Caring relationships are complex, no two are alike. Space and time to be independent is important for both members of the team; the person providing care and the person receiving care.

With the choice and control offered under the NDIS participants have a greater range of providers and types of services to choose from that offer respite to carers and NDIS participants.

Carers Victoria's "Give Us A Break" Information Sheets

Carers Victoria's "Give Us a Break" series of information sheets, guides you through the new terms and options for respite.

Price limit increases and name change to Short Term Accommodation and Assistance

From December 2019 NDIS participants can now purchase respite services as a short-term accommodation support to give family and/or carers a break from their caring responsibilities.

Click here for full details

Department of Health and Human Services Accommodation Transfer (DHHS)

As part of the transition to NDIS the DHHS disability accommodation and respite services are transferring from government to not-for-profit providers. The transition is occurring from February 2019. The house ownership does not change but five providers will operate and manage each of the houses.

Find details of the transition 

DHHS provides details on the transfer process and fact sheets about the new providers

Medium Term Accommodation (MTA)

A new support item Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) was introduced on 1 December 2019.

MTA is for NDIS participants who need transitional accommodation while they wait to move into their confirmed permanent home (for example at hospital discharge).

MTA covers the accommodation only which is then supported by the participant’s support hours claimable from Core Budget and existing disability support arrangements.

It is intended that MTA is to be claimable for a period of up to 90 days.

Providing NDIS participants with access to medium-term transitional housing aims to reduce the number of young people in aged care, minimise delays in hospital discharges and support participants transitioning from custodial settings into the community.


Long Term Accommodation

Housing Hub

Thinking longer-term about Supported Disability Accommodation (SDA), The Housing Hub is a useful resource. 

The Housing Hub works like most real estate sites where you search for available supported housing by location. All DHHS owned houses are listed when available and other providers are being encouraged to use as well.

More information

For further information about SDA homes, call VALID on 1800 655 570 and visit the

For further information about STAA previously Respite, call Carers Victoria on 1800 514 845.


Respite under the NDIS: Give Us a Break Video